Jin Yuan Hui Chinese Calligraphy Center and Volunteers to Promote Traditional Chinese Culture

Jin Yuan Hui Chinese Calligraphy Center and Volunteers to Promote Traditional Chinese Culture

  It is the autumn equinox, and the fifth Chinese farmers' harvest festival has just been sent away. All the hard work and perseverance have ushered in the rewards of spring and autumn. On the green field of the Ganyun Cultural Center, there are many people coming. The on-site brushing contest of "I am on the way to the exam, depicting a colorful Zhengzhou" jointly organized by the Henan Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Society, the Dry Transport Cultural Center, and the Qiancheng Garden Community was held here. The elder, with his white hair and white hair, brought his calligraphy and painting works to seek advice from a teacher. The youth is in full bloom and wants to show off his skills. Children are like flowers and jade, under the leadership of their parents, they feel the influence of traditional culture. Among the crowd, there were many people who visited the third calligraphy and painting exhibition held by the Henan Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Society at the Henan Provincial Art Museum from September 6th to 9th.

Jyh chinese calligraphy activity

  At 9:30, the ceremony began. Zhang Yingfeng's speech was summed up by the Dry Transport Cultural Center.

  Established on May 21 this year, the Dry Transport Cultural Center, under the leadership of Zhang Yingfeng, takes the dissemination of excellent traditional Chinese culture as its own mission, takes calligraphy and painting training and online and offline market development at home and abroad as a breakthrough, and provides public welfare operations and feedback. Public welfare is the starting point, the layout is planned, starting from the community, walking with volunteers, and walking out a series of solid footprints, which has won the praise of everyone. A poet wrote: The heart is gradually opened for dry luck, and the autumn season is just in time to welcome the abundance. Good deeds and righteous deeds will pay off in the end, and Greentown has clever arrangements.

Jyh Chinese Calligraphy Activity

   Liu Yonglei, Secretary of Qiancheng Garden Community, Zhang Hongtao, President of Zhiyuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Henan Province Calligraphy and Painting Society, Liu Chunyan, Vice Chairman of Henan Province Calligraphy and Painting Society and President of Taihang Calligraphy and Painting Institute, delivered speeches successively and congratulated the event. Liu Chunyan presented the calligraphy with boundless love on the spot to praise the contribution made by the Ganyun Cultural Center to the society.

Ren Fuan, chairman of the Henan Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Society, delivered an important speech in the form of a video.

Chen Fuan pointed out that holding such an event is a beneficial form for the Henan Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Society to join cultural enterprises to enter the community and the public to spread the art of calligraphy and painting. It is the continuation and extension of Danqing's celebration of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the continuation and extension of the innovation to the future. It is hoped that the learned calligraphers and painters who participate in the activity will regard this activity as a creative practice and a process of in-depth study, and create masterpieces of calligraphy and painting that are close to the times, grounded, high, deep and warm for everyone. 

Jyh chinese culture calligraphy center

  In a burst of warm applause, Ren Fuan announced the opening of the live swipe competition.

"When the sky is clear, a crane platoons the clouds, and poetry is brought to the sky." At ten o'clock in the morning, the competition started. First, it was written on the spot by calligraphers and painters from the Henan Province Calligraphy and Painting Society.

Zhang Hongtao took the lead in writing. A little landing, like a rolling stone sliding down, attracts applause. He is a cardiovascular expert, Xuan Hu Ji Shi, Xing Lin Chun Man. He is also a calligrapher. At the same time, he is also the teacher of the regular script class at the Zhengzhou Veteran Cadre University, with nearly 3,000 students successively.

Liu Chunyan is not only a calligrapher, but also has long been engaged in the activities of volunteers, the Red Cross Society, and the Lei Feng Learning Group. His seal script works make people at the scene review the history of the evolution of characters and reflect the beauty of writing.

Sheng Qinghai from the Municipal Water Supply Company is a member of the Henan Calligraphers Association. His calligraphy works won the first prize in the Zhengzhou Calligraphy Competition. After the calligraphy work "Only Forgiveness, Peace of Mind" was published in the 8th issue of "Secretary Work" of the General Office of the Communist Party of China in 2020, it had a butterfly effect, and many people were eager to get his calligraphy. The process of his writing became the process of punching cards, which attracted everyone to take photos.

Jyh Chinese calligraphy center activity

  Pang Jianghua wields the pen freely and writes smoothly. He wrote a poem about ink plums written by Wang Mian in the Yuan Dynasty, "My family washes the inkstone pond head tree, and the blossoms bloom with faint ink marks. I don't praise people for the color, just leave the air full of vitality." It's amazing.

Wang Jianguo is a calligraphy teacher at the Ganyun Cultural Center. Many of the children on the scene are his students. While he was writing, he did not forget to demonstrate to everyone.

 Xie Yinghui, a young calligrapher and painter, paints on the spot. One stroke forms a mountain, two strokes see peaks, and three strokes come down, as if hearing the sound of gurgling water. Let people witness the elegant style of the landscape.

Young calligrapher and painter Pan Pengpeng is a member of the Society Development in the first half of this year. Works were exhibited in the third calligraphy and painting exhibition. His clerical script, and his old-fashioned writing style, attracted everyone to watch and study.

  Wang Suli, a retired army cadre painter, is today a photojournalist. She brought her masterpiece, the picture of blooming and rich peony to the Qianyun Cultural Center. She told Zhang Yingfeng earnestly and earnestly that it was her wish to be a volunteer. Now she is very happy and moved to see Zhang Yingfeng and his team of nearly 1,000 people active in epidemic prevention and control and charity activities.

 Wang Yanpei, the former political commissar of a certain PLA department, took the initiative to give up the opportunity to splash ink on the spot to show his style, and together with Feng Xinlin, deputy editor of Henan Literature Magazine, director of the office of Henan Provincial Calligraphy and Painting Society and secretary general of Zhiyuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute, on-site overall coordination and command to ensure the progress of each project .

The clouds are light and the wind is light, and the cinnamon is fragrant. After enjoying the live performance of the calligraphers and painters, the participating teams put up their battles one by one, or calligraphy or painting, and the competition was fierce. Final evaluation by experts. Huang Lei and Guo Ruixin won the first prize for hard and soft writing.

 Near noon, the competition ends. Everyone is still reluctant to leave. People gathered around Zhang Yingfeng, the manager of the Dry Transport Cultural Center, thanking him and wishing to hold more events like this.
